Health Office

General Guidelines for Keeping Children Home Due to Illness

It is sometimes difficult to know when to keep children home due to illness. Below are some general guidelines that will help you make the decision about whether or not to send your child to school. Feel free to contact the school nurse or your health paraprofessional with any questions. Please keep your child home if he or she:

  • is too sick to fully participate in the school day.
  • may spread a contagious illness to other children and staff.
    • any temperature at or above 100 degrees (oral or temporal scanner)
    • fever accompanied by a behavioral change or rash
    • new or unusual wide-spread rash that could be contagious
    • vomiting, diarrhea stools
    • continuous, hacky cough

If your child is being treated with antibiotics for the treatment of routine illness such as strep throat or impetigo, he or she may return to school ONLY when 24 hours have passed after taking the first dose of antibiotics. 

Medications: All medications administered to students by school staff must have a signed written medical provider’s order and signed parent/guardian consent. This includes all over-the-counter and prescription medications.


School personnel will follow the guidelines contained in: Infectious Disease in School Setting  Guidelines for School Nurses and Personnel, Colorado Department of Health and Environment, most current edition.

Health Office:

Dee Dee Vallez MS RN
School Nurse 
[email protected]

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